September 23, 2013
Hey All,
Well, great news. I'm eating a lot more. Fun fact for the day, I haven't had an appetite for the last few weeks (I still ate... don't worry), but now that Saturday is approaching (and Sean is so ready to be baptized), I've got an appetite again. And, it all started with eating some real Brazilian food at a members house (whose mother is from Brazil.... I can't remember the name of the dish, but it was delcious. Black beans and sausage and rice and salsa stuff. Yes, Nathan, I maintain that the Brazilian food is the reason why I have an appetite again).
But I just want to say, I'm really excited about this weekend. This is the first baptism I've had with an investigator that I saw through from start to finish. And what a ride it's been. Sean is still amazing. He knows the doctrine and the principles and has a deep abiding love for the scriptures, prayer, and church. He loves being with us, and he loves the happiness and light he feels from the gospel. Yesterday, we had a really good talk, and I can only say that the gospel truly does bring light and hope to people. Like Elder Miller would always say... we don't do anything too hard. We just ask people to change their lives. And we better ask them out of love. Love for God and love for them. And I just want to say that I really do love the people that we've taught and the members of our ward. Of every ward I've served in.
I love serving here in Korea. I've learned so much. Granted, the lessons I've learned are unique to me, as is my mission experience, but I'm grateful for every lesson. I'm really learning that just as effective as my words are my actions. The other day on the subway, after Korean Thanksgiving (추석), three people came on who definitely weren't Korean (I think they may have been Cambodian). There were two empty seats next to me, and an empty seat down the train a bit. The following is the conversation that I had with the gentleman who didn't have a seat next to his friends... no words were actually said, but if it did, it would have gone like this:
"Here, take this seat"
"No that okay"
"Seriously it's not a problem. This way you three can sit together."
"Oh cool. Thanks!"
And the gentleman sat down, and I took the seat down the train. And then I had another converstaion. This one with words. The man was Cambodian, didn't speak a lick of English, but he spoke my level of Korean. We talked, exchanged numbers, and, well, we may be meeting this week or next week to study Korean together (and to figure out how to introduce him to the gospel). I guess there are two things that, although I've stated before, I really want to say again.
I really believe in the promise that we'll be given the words that we will need to say and know the things we need to do in the time that they are needed. I've had some cool experiences where the Holy Ghost brought to my remembrance what I needed to say while sharing a message in Korean, and I've had some other really cool experiences, like the ones that I shared today, where the Holy Ghost sort of just prompted me on what to do and how to clearly communicate what I'm feeling.
And sometimes... when I write in English... I can't communicate clearly. But that's fine.
I love the gospel. I love the doctrine of repentance. I love the hope and light that it can bring to people, and I love seeing it when people accept it. There is a light that enters into their countanences. I think that's what Alma talks about when he talks about "the image of God engraven on their countanences."
I love you all! And until next week!
Elder Wedam
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